Hello and welcome to my site, webodyssey.com
I am Kanak Faruqui, a part-time blogger and a graphic design enthusiast. I have over five years of experience of creating web-based graphical assets and video content. I have worked with many computer-based and web-based graphic design and video editing applications. Web Odyssey is an outcome of my love for graphic design and video editing.
I will share tutorials and product reviews of applications I work with on this site. Every information you get on this site will be from my experience or collected and filtered from trusted sources.
Unlike any technology field, AI will significantly change the graphic design, photo, and video editing sectors. And the design and editing tools will be more likely to be prompt-based rather than click, drag & drop. Today, ordinary people with no design skills can bring their imagination to life with a little tweak of prompt engineering. In the upcoming years, prompting skills will likely be valued more than design skills.
On this site, you will see tutorials, reviews, and essential aspects of AI-based design, video editing, and other relevant productivity tools. As the application of AI is reasonably increasing, graphic designers and digital marketers are trying to make the best out of it. Web Odyssey aims to provide helpful content and the best solutions to problems regarding AI-based tools.
If you are trying to catch the new wave of AI, stay tuned and keep supporting me.